Welcome to my new homepage! After much anticipation, I am excited to announce the redesign of my website. As this process is not yet complete, I ask for your patience as most of the pages are still under development. The old website will remain accessible through this link, but stay tuned for updates on this new and improved web presence.
What this is about
This site is about (mainly my own) current research in computational chemistry. My main focus is on developing a novel interactive approach to molecular modeling using recent advances in virtual reality combined with HPC. There is now a YouTube channel with movies related to the research described on this website. You can visit my YouTube channel here!
En français
Ce site - majoritairement anglophone en accord avec les usages du domaine scientifique - comporte des parties en français décrites ici: FR🇫🇷, comme par exemple mon blog Atomes En Vue - Le monde invisible à portée. Mes tweets ci-dessous sont principalement en anglais, mais certains sont en français.